The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for much of the Southern California region from today around 1800 hours through Saturday around 2200 hours PST. A moderate to strong Santa Ana event will impact the area with winds gusting up to 65 mph and relative humidity as low as 5%. These conditions, combined with warm temperatures may contribute to extreme fire behavior.

The strongest winds are likely for Thursday between 0600 and 1500 PST, with the foothills and canyons most at risk. Santa Ana winds will weaken Thursday night and Friday, however single digit humidity values will remain. Poor overnight recoveries are expected, with the driest day on Friday.

The forecast predicts dry offshore wind at least through Tuesday. Therefore, Red Flag conditions could continue for the area heading into next week.

What conditions warrant the issuing of a Red Flag Warning? Read our previous blog here to find out.



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